Basketball training program aimed at players between 8 and 17 years old where they will learn basketball, healthy habits and enjoy with their friends. Suitable for any player.
Training takes place daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The last day has specific times.
In addition to training, participants during the week enjoy recreational activities such as going to the pool.
On the first day of the academy, we will meet at 9 a.m. at your respective facility, we will carry out level tests to determine the training groups for the academy. We want to know your level before assigning you to your coach.
To finish, the PGA finals will be held with open doors, on the last day of the campus, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everyone’s invited – see you there!
Fill in the following fields to receive by mail the direct link to the informative dossier.
We have a total of 4 basketball-development facilites on the campus. One of them, Padré Damián is dedicated exclusively for our youngest players (ages 8 to 12), where training sessions use small basketball hoops.
- INEFC (Av. de l’Estadi, 12, 22, Sants-Montjuïc District, 08038 Barcelona) how to get there?
- CEM MUNDET (Olympe de Gouges s/n, Barcelona) how to get there?
- PADRE DAMIÁN – MINIBASKET (Av. de Vallvidrera 10, 08017 Barcelona) how to get there?
- LA SALLE BONANOVA(C/ de Sant Joan de la Salle, 20, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08022 Barcelona) how to get here?
BOARDER (stays overnight at the academy): 1.250€
Includes: Training, activities, PGA equipment (two t-shirts, shorts and a gymsack), full board at Residencia Universitaria Sarrià and gifts. Complimentary transfers to and from the airport or train station are available. Find out more!
NON-BOARDER (only performs daytime training): 480€
Includes: Training, activities, PGA equipment (two T-shirts, shorts and a gymsack), meals and gifts.
Special discounts for siblings: 20€ per sibling in the boarder or non-boarder modality. These discounts do not apply to other campaigns.
All participants of the Pau Gasol Academy by Santander who request it will receive, completely free of charge and after making their payment, a booklet of raffle tickets that they can sell to help recover the cost of participation.
The organization will take care of drawing the winner and shipping their prize; the winning number will be the same as the number drawn for that day’s ONCE raffle in Spain. Participants keep all money they raise by selling tickets. For more information, you can contact us at +34 648 824 559 or by writing us at paugasolacademy@paugasol.com.
- C/Diputación, 291 Entresuelo 2ª Desp. 1 - 08009 - Barcelona - Spain
- paugasolacademy@paugasol.com
- +34 648 824 559
Copyright © PAU GASOL ACADEMY BY SANTANDER 2024 – Desarrollada por Akaw Sports